Webinarium: Researcher comparisons of single cell spatial imaging platforms
Cutting-edge single cell spatial imaging technologies offer the promise of enabling previously impossible insights into your biology and tissues of interest—but do all the commercially available platforms follow through on that promise?
Single cell spatial leaders David P. Cook, Simon Knott, and Luciano Martelotto wanted to find out. In this webinar, these researchers present their findings after they used the 10x Genomics Xenium Analyzer and the NanoString CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager to analyze adjacent prostate cancer tissues. In particular, they highlight how each platform compared in:
- Specificity, sensitivity, and dynamic ranges for each platform
- Expected spatial localization, and tissue specificity, of key transcripts
- Correlation of each technology with single cell RNA sequencing data
- Cell clustering, visualization, and marker expression specificity across cell clusters
- And much more!
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